Welcome to Design Technique

Design technique is a web design tutorial site that will give you the knowledge on how to make your own website with relative ease, with good explanations on how to get things working on your own website through the use of XHTML and CSS. We also touch on some advanced techniques like image mapping, event handlers and others. If you are just starting out in web design or are fanscinated on its workings then you have come to the right place.

What is XHTML?

XHTML means Extensible Hypertext Markup Language it isn't a language as such, XHTML is more of the markup language of websites that a browser reads and renders much like the one you are looking at now. XHTML is the industry standard markup language to use and will eventually replace HTML. XHTML is a combination of HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) and XML (
Extensible Markup Language
) where it uses HTML's predefined tags but uses XML's correct markup.

An example of bad HTML markup

<title>My Site</title>
<p>Hello World!!!

Altough this example will work in any browser it is certainly not the correct way to do things. XHTML like XML is stricter where everything has to be correctly marked up, this method is also known as "well formed", over the course of this tutorial you will learn the correct way to do things Enjoy.
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